Indium xps peak
Indium xps peak

ITO has also been extensively used as a good ohmic contact material in GaN-base light emitting diodes (LEDs), because ITO shows excellent ohmic behavior in terms of high surface current, which is evidenced by the excellent surface conductivity. In particular, the surface properties of ITO films, such as their electron affinity and work function, also play a key role in establishing the characteristics of OLEDs, owing to their direct contact with the organic materials, as a hole injection layer. ITO films have been widely used as transparent electrodes in optoelectronic devices, such as solar cells and organic light-emitting devices (OLEDs), because of their high electrical conductivity (∼10 −4 Ω-cm), coupled with their high transmission (∼90%) in the visible range. Indium-tin-oxide (ITO) is an important transparent conducting oxide (TCO). Such a significant change can be ascribed to the formation of indium metal-like clusters, which appear as budges of ∼ 5 nm height, due to an effective volume increase after breaking the In-O to form In-In bonding. The local conductivity of ITO films is significantly higher, by approximately 30 times, than that of the as-deposited ITO films, due to the formation of these nanodots. The multi-periodic spacing (∼800 nm, ∼400 nm and ∼200 nm) was observed in the laser-induced ripple of ITO films. Large-area surface ripple structures of indium-tin-oxide films, composed of self-organized nanodots, were induced by femtosecond laser pulses, without scanning.

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  • Indium xps peak